Thursday, December 28, 2006

My new favorite thing is Naked?

so it is not what Bill was hoping. But this is my new favorite juice Red Machine. It is the best guilt free pick me up. I am the least all natural person I know. But you would never know this thing has no added sugar. Very taImg_0738_1sty...sorry Juice It Up and to Bill for the momentary excitement you got from the title. Sorry the picture is sideways I don't know how to flip it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Till New Years??

Today I am official finished with Christmas. I don't like clutter. So it is time to pack it up. My mom leaves it up until New Years. So what about you??? Do you dismantle today or do you wait until the 2nd? Or are you the one who leaves your lights on all year round??

Saturday, December 23, 2006

All caught up for now...

Here they are update pics . This is what we have been up to. And in between all of this the stomach flu and I still help out with events!!!

Update 2

So view the album to see what we have been up to. And in between all of this was lots of stomach flu!!! Even Will's party had to be postponed.


So here is the deal. One or more members of my family has been sick since the week before Thanksgiving  or we have been in another state!! I will update you of the goings on in between soon. However, I just wanted to say thanks for missing us. We have been missing you guys too. And that we are totally fine. We have not switched churches and no one owns any healing crystals that I know of. Your chickens are all safe too. Just kidding. We love all of you and will see you this Sunday. If you forgot what we look like check out the pics!!!