I wish my brain would be quiet. I can't go to sleep because it will not shut off. I can't focus because it will not take a break. Anyone else disturbed by your own voice in your head???
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Meanwhile back at the farm...
I did it! Crazy I know. I remember driving through the desert praying that if I was making a mistake God would roll large boulders in front of the car. He didn't. And we got married at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel In Vegas. A few years later it was burned down by a homeless man. The kids keep asking for pictures of our wedding. I tell them that I have no idea where they are but if the see them to let me know. Why because we have not a single Polaroid of the day. We even had friend that were in Vegas that weekend and didn't tell them. We came home and told no one until October. I had a falling out with my room mates and had to move. Our families were not exactly thrilled. They found no humor in it. Bill's mom cried to the lady in Hallmark while buying us a card. My dad said he knew. My boss at the time was very upset. I worked at a private school and they were worried about how it would "look". So to summarize we knew each other for years, we dated 2 months before we got engaged, and got married a month and half later. We had no bachelor/ bachelorette parties, no showers, no pictures, we do have a license signed by Reverend Cotton. I'm certain he would have started preaching fire and brimstone if we would had anyone else there. The August of 99 wedding did not happen because we got pregnant with Macey in February. All the money we saved for a wedding now went to baby stuff. I do have a dress that I have never even tried on. We ordered it before I was pregnant. So from these very stupid beginnings we have made it 9 1/2 years. Next post will be begin the highs and lows over the years. Believe me their are some real lows and great highs. Hold on to your hats....
Friday, February 8, 2008
Sorry to leave you hanging...
Monday, February 4, 2008
The saga continues...
Ok so some of you have asked me to get to the "good stuff". I just feel like you need to hear where we were to get how far we've come in 9 1/2 years. Anyway off the plane is where we left off. We talked about life and long distance relationships. We decided to give it a try. He kissed me once and said he was tired and went to bed. He drove out almost every weekend for the next two months. Till he decided to quit his job and move out here. That was the end of June. He had to pay rent on his apartment in AZ for like 4 more months. Again, not very bright. He proposed on the day he moved here. We decided to get married August 14 1999. As we were planning our wedding we planned lots of funny stuff. Bill convinced me how funny it would be to get married secretly in Vegas on August 14 of 98 and not tell anyone till the wedding in 09. (opps 99) Think I did it? Some of you already know.....
Heee's Baaack!
My main squeeze is blogging again!!! Check him out, give some link love.Just click here to be amazed.....Bill
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Fighting back
We are fighting it off. Somehow we have made it this year with out anyone getting really sick. Not one day of school missed! Macey has a little sore throat. Daley is crabby. Will, well truth be told Will could have 104 and you wouldn't know it because nothing slows him down. So today was pj's, juice, and lots of rest. I sure hope it works!!!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Part Two
Ok so when we last talked Bill was that mean boy who threw me in wash racks and put me in head locks to mess up my hair. The letter came back. I asked a friend of ours Scotty if he had heard from him and he hadn't. So knowing his family was in Prescott, AZ, I picked up the phone and dialed 411. Bill's the 4th William in his family so the number thay gave me was actually his grandma. I asked her if she had a son in the navy blah blah... (She later said that the minute I told her who I was and how I was looking for Bill she knew that we would end up getting married. Grandmas seem to know those things.)She said she had a grandson who just got out and gave me his parents number where I had to leave a message. He had just moved into his own apartment so his mom gave him my number and he called that night. We talked and caught up on him getting out of the navy and all that stuff.. I was on spring break so I almost drove out there. Funny thing is that he had a 19 year old girlfriend at the time that I said was crazy. He got pretty mad at me as he thought she was "the one". Scotty was graduating the next week with his masters so Bill flew out for that. Conveniently he broke up with her before he came out. When I picked him up from the airport he was a whole lot cuter than I remembered. ...