Friday, June 20, 2008

Countdown is on....

Camp Rock. Any one else have kids waiting for the big event tonight????Camp rock

Gas Prices

Big_make-face-angryIt is summertime. I want to go to the water park, mall, camping, anywhere...  Everything is so much more $$$$$ when you add in gas!!! We really need to get a pool. I know I'm not alone. Please fell free to vent here.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Something just happened to make my day a little better. God just took one of the" bobbers" I casted out and squashed it. Thank you Lord, for taking care of even the little things. Yahoo!!!!


    I got on of those read this and then forward it or have bad luck things today. I read it, didn't forward it and now I'm having a rotten day.  I'm not even superstitious!!!! I feel so unmotivated now.....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Deep thoughts

A few years ago I wrote a post called my mountain and yours. As I have often come back to it I find new meaning in the analogy. Right now I remember time I spent at the top of the mountain. I started thinking about how mountains peak. Your really can't go anywhere but down again. However, I'm not one to sit around. I have a hard time just watching a movie. More Mary and Martha stuff. I wish when I was on that mountain I could have been more like Mary and enjoyed the uneventful time. However, my Martha self set her sights on a new mountain. Here I sit half way up this mountain. Looking for the top. I know I will get there. Best part is this time when I look next to me I see Jesus. Climbing it with me. That is new for me. Not that He wasn't there, I just didn't bother to look. I have always thought I needed to do it all by myself. Yet there He is encouraging, coaching, and often pushing me up to the top. It sure is a lot easier this time. I hope when I get there we can just spend time enjoying the accomplishment.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The dust has settled

Daley is Daley again singing Hannah and HSM. Only instead of singing "Hey batter batter". She says "hey Bella Bella." She is a girl!  I have cleaned the counter tops, cabinets, and the refrigerator inside and out and have now moved on the grout. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE gadgets, It drives Bill nuts. Well I busted out my steam cleaner and its BUSTED! Ugg so I have to use my own two hands :{. Except I do have a secret weapon thanks to Lori. It's called Black Diamond Ultimate Grout Cleaner. It does a great job. I just wish it came with and elf to use the brush and then the rag to clean up after. I can't wait for the kids to get older.... free labor. Well it's not free but at least its labor!!!!


Ok so it's been Daley and I all day all year. Today is Macey's last day of school. Will finished Tues. I'm thinking this is going to be a great summer, bike rides, art, some cleaning, a little studying, swimming, and of course camping. They are finally old enough that I can mange most of this while Bill's at work. However, Daley has done nothing but cry ALL MORNING! About EVERYTHING!! It is driving me nuts. I can't wait to see this smile again....IMG_2134

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I wish 1 Peter stuck

I wish I didn't have to keep learning the same things over and over. The last week God has been so good as to "take care" of some situations in my life. He has been faithful so many times over the years. Helping me to get over and through so many trials. He always makes it better than what I even thought it could be. Yet here I sit worried. Worried about what is to come of "stuff". I spend so much time trying to "fix" things on my own. Worrying about things that I have little to no control over. I just want to let go.... I do and then here it comes right back.So here it is In 1 Peter 5:6-7 we read "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because he cares for you." So if you fish, you know that when you cast out often nothing happens. Your bobber comes floating back to you so out you cast again. When our worries come floating back, sometimes like a flood, throw them back. Cast them to the Lord. As in the begining, when it is the "proper time" He will exalt you. His timing, not ours. His plan, not ours. And the best for last "because He cares for you".  Enough said. Thanks for listening to whats on my heart. I don't usually blog like this but well maybe I'll start. Either you'll love it or I'll scare my 3 readers away. Thanks.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Today Will's teacher gave out awards for the year. Lots of fun . There was the Indiana Jones award, the Da Vinci award even the General Patton award. I was so honored that Will received the Christian Character award. He may not realize yet the honor behind it. As his mom I might have been glowing. A very proud day in our home.