Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Will's magic word

Macey had a toy that Will wanted. She said "Say the magic word." Will answered "Give me the hammer now. I want it I want it." I said just say the magic word. He said, "I want it!" I said just say the magic word. He then asked what it was. I told him so he said "Please Macey." Well, later she wanted it back. He said, "Say the magic word, Macey." To which she replied PLEASE. He said, "No that is not my magic word." I said, "Well, what is YOUR magic word?" He said, "I already told you. It is I WANT IT!!" Nice.... So, what would you like your magic word to be????

1 comment:

  1. We don't have a magic word, but Ethan does think that when you say "share" that means give it to him!
