Thursday, December 18, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Look at what Bill made!!!!

So we have been super busy lately which is why I haven't blogged. However, I just couldn't wait to share this. Bill is officially a licensed concrete contractor! The company name is Deanza Concrete Design. or DCD as we call it. It is just a side business. Anywho, I already shared the floor he did here. However, here is a picture of the counter topIMG_2690
sample he just made. The top and 4 of the possible edges. I love it!!! IMG_2694
Anyone want to remodel their kitchen or bath????? And yes it is concrete!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Would you do it?

In response to April's post, who here would rescue your cell phone if it dropped in a public toilet? Let's say it was a freshly flushed toilet? Would you just leave it and walk away? Would you still use it after? Come on be honest......

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3 days later

Last load is in.... Now I have to pt all of them away. Why don't we just pile our clean clothes and grab what ever is on top. I HATE putting away clothes! Can I get an amen?????

Sunday, September 14, 2008

So it begins

So when they came to reinstall the cabinets they hit a water main! I have been assured several times this is an extremely rare occurrence. That did not make me feel any better. But is is all repairedIMG_0977
again. So now I have my laundry room back. Here is what I will be doing for the next few days..... Wish this was all of it. It is most of it though.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

God has a sence of humor

Ok so I have always said home improvement is not fun in an old home because it always opens up a bigger job. I never thought that would happen in a new home. Bill started his first project. Ok I have not kept you updated in this area I know. But long story short, Bill has passed his contractors test and is learning decorative concrete on the side. Back to the story. Here is the project so farIMG_0970

While doing this project we discovered a leak in the wall. After superintendents and mold people came out today they found that when installed the cabinets the put three holes in out drain pipe.They have been leaking for the last 2 years we have lived here. So for the next few days we live like something out of E.T. like this
So now this will most likely have to be ripped out and redone. Oh well he could use the practice right????

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A sad day... please pray

A friend from my early Christian/ college years of my life died today. For most he is know as Chris, "Greg Laurie's son". However, I knew him as Topher. He was killed in a car accident today. We lost track of each other until a few weeks ago we reconnected on Facebook. He was a funny, talented, and great guy. He has a young wife, daughter who is turning two, and another little girl on the way. Things like this are hard to understand. Please pray for their family. I can't imagine raising the kids without Bill. Let alone prepare to deliver a new baby who will never meet their daddy. Also, Greg is due to speak at the upcoming Harvest Crusades. I know that all things work together for Gods glory. However, things like this seem so ........... I don't even have a word for it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I like your....

Daley is going through a compliment phase. Everyday it's "mom I like your hair." Dad I like your shorts." To which you must respond, "Thanks I like your hair, short, whatever." The other night she said "Dad I like your nuts." He has these...Photo 19
Still laughing!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Countdown is on....

Camp Rock. Any one else have kids waiting for the big event tonight????Camp rock

Gas Prices

Big_make-face-angryIt is summertime. I want to go to the water park, mall, camping, anywhere...  Everything is so much more $$$$$ when you add in gas!!! We really need to get a pool. I know I'm not alone. Please fell free to vent here.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Something just happened to make my day a little better. God just took one of the" bobbers" I casted out and squashed it. Thank you Lord, for taking care of even the little things. Yahoo!!!!


    I got on of those read this and then forward it or have bad luck things today. I read it, didn't forward it and now I'm having a rotten day.  I'm not even superstitious!!!! I feel so unmotivated now.....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Deep thoughts

A few years ago I wrote a post called my mountain and yours. As I have often come back to it I find new meaning in the analogy. Right now I remember time I spent at the top of the mountain. I started thinking about how mountains peak. Your really can't go anywhere but down again. However, I'm not one to sit around. I have a hard time just watching a movie. More Mary and Martha stuff. I wish when I was on that mountain I could have been more like Mary and enjoyed the uneventful time. However, my Martha self set her sights on a new mountain. Here I sit half way up this mountain. Looking for the top. I know I will get there. Best part is this time when I look next to me I see Jesus. Climbing it with me. That is new for me. Not that He wasn't there, I just didn't bother to look. I have always thought I needed to do it all by myself. Yet there He is encouraging, coaching, and often pushing me up to the top. It sure is a lot easier this time. I hope when I get there we can just spend time enjoying the accomplishment.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The dust has settled

Daley is Daley again singing Hannah and HSM. Only instead of singing "Hey batter batter". She says "hey Bella Bella." She is a girl!  I have cleaned the counter tops, cabinets, and the refrigerator inside and out and have now moved on the grout. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE gadgets, It drives Bill nuts. Well I busted out my steam cleaner and its BUSTED! Ugg so I have to use my own two hands :{. Except I do have a secret weapon thanks to Lori. It's called Black Diamond Ultimate Grout Cleaner. It does a great job. I just wish it came with and elf to use the brush and then the rag to clean up after. I can't wait for the kids to get older.... free labor. Well it's not free but at least its labor!!!!


Ok so it's been Daley and I all day all year. Today is Macey's last day of school. Will finished Tues. I'm thinking this is going to be a great summer, bike rides, art, some cleaning, a little studying, swimming, and of course camping. They are finally old enough that I can mange most of this while Bill's at work. However, Daley has done nothing but cry ALL MORNING! About EVERYTHING!! It is driving me nuts. I can't wait to see this smile again....IMG_2134

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I wish 1 Peter stuck

I wish I didn't have to keep learning the same things over and over. The last week God has been so good as to "take care" of some situations in my life. He has been faithful so many times over the years. Helping me to get over and through so many trials. He always makes it better than what I even thought it could be. Yet here I sit worried. Worried about what is to come of "stuff". I spend so much time trying to "fix" things on my own. Worrying about things that I have little to no control over. I just want to let go.... I do and then here it comes right back.So here it is In 1 Peter 5:6-7 we read "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because he cares for you." So if you fish, you know that when you cast out often nothing happens. Your bobber comes floating back to you so out you cast again. When our worries come floating back, sometimes like a flood, throw them back. Cast them to the Lord. As in the begining, when it is the "proper time" He will exalt you. His timing, not ours. His plan, not ours. And the best for last "because He cares for you".  Enough said. Thanks for listening to whats on my heart. I don't usually blog like this but well maybe I'll start. Either you'll love it or I'll scare my 3 readers away. Thanks.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Today Will's teacher gave out awards for the year. Lots of fun . There was the Indiana Jones award, the Da Vinci award even the General Patton award. I was so honored that Will received the Christian Character award. He may not realize yet the honor behind it. As his mom I might have been glowing. A very proud day in our home.  

Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is amazing what a good nights sleep will do. I feel refreshed and ready to go. I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me today. (Just don't throw too hard.)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wipe out!

Most days I feel like this is my life. Steady things consistently hitting me. So managable.


However, this week I've felt like this. I'm done and just want to go to bed.......

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forever changing

I guess this is what they call growth and seasons. I feel like  chchchanges. I was reflecting on my early Christian years, ones I'm not proud of. To my years as a mom, to now. I feel like I am standing at a crossroads. For 8 1/2 years I have taken on everything it is to be a mom. Now I stand in between who I was/am as an individual and as a mom. I have allowed my life to become my kids, after all they are only mine for 18 years right? Well, recently I have spent time away from them doing things I used to do and love before them. This has been good and weird. As being a mom has grown me into who I am. I am rediscovering who I was. Somethings are fun and great, others are struggles I've tried to put behind me. Mostly being caddy and talking a bit too much. I really feel like I've grown a lot in this area. However, lately I've walked the line. Saying things that don't need to be said. Blah blah blah Maybe it's just me but when all I did was stay at home with the kids and talk to no one, not an issue. Now I just feel I need to dig deep in the book of James and remember to listen and know that sometimes it is best to stay quiet no matter how funny I think I am.... I want fruit in my life while balancing the person God created me to be. This is my continual quest, who did God design me to be and how does it fit in the body of Christ without getting kicked out. Someday I may understand how and why he wired me this way. I have no idea if this makes sense to anyone else. Thanks for being apart of the journey. That is if you read this far.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nothing to report

I'm not sure but whenever I think of something "deep" to blog about, when I sit down to type... poof it's gone. btw I know that was a really long run on sentence but I'm not going to fix it. Don't tell Macey.  Anyway, I'm just content right now. Not to say things are perfect. I just have a peace that God is in control. No matter what happens I will always have people say I told you so (even if they didn't). When things are great or not so great. I have some great friends that love me despite all my flaws and they are a plenty. I have an amazing husband of 10 years that I love in spite of all his flaws and those are a plenty, ha ha. Three absolutely amazing children. I great house, a car that runs great, food. Seriously when was the last time you were thankful for the plethora of food in your cupboards? I don't know. God has me in a season of contentment. Thank you Lord....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Ok I'm too tired to type so here is a few pics to tide ya all over....

IMG_2276 IMG_2324

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Img_2272I might be bias, but she is just beautiful. I am amazed at how smart and witty she is. So much like her dad. All that and gorgeous too.

Flying and fear

Ok today I'm flying to Texas with some great girls from church to learn how use F1 more effectively in the way of events. I have to fly. I don't have a fear of flying per say. I have a fear of dying. Not that I don't want to be with the Lord I just am not ready to leave Bill and my babies yet. Anyway, pray that the plane stays up when it is supposed to and comes down when it is told how it is told too. Peace out.... for now!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I was challenged by Jess to try the Hemingway 6 word memoir:

Apparently, Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words, which he did:
“For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Here are the rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere

4 .Tag five more blogs with link

5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

"Free Rock- Needs cleaned and smoothed."  Deep I know.

I tag....Lori Lisa S. Sabrina Tess and Lisa B.

Have Fun........

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Goodbye myspace hello..

Facebook. I have been on myspace for a few years now. It was alright. Recently I've been playing with facebook . It is so much fun. Sign up, ask to be my friend, and I can send you some flair!!!!

Check it out

Bill is working with com + passion at Sandals to do some community out reach stuff. Check it out here and here to find out how you can be involved.

Monday, April 28, 2008


I just wonder why it is that cleaning is something no one notices unless you DON"T do it........

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lewis' are bloggin'

Hey Kevin started up their blog again. Go check them out. Lewis blog There are some super cute pics of baby Delaney already!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Since you asked

Derrick Derick Derik Who knows how he spells it. Got transfered. He now works in the lion store where you can buy a lion and lots of meat so he won't eat you. I promise I've made none of this up. Ask her yourself!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Ok so I had to fill up today $90.00!!! What?? Alright since while doing errands I ran into someone from Sandals at every store but ONE, who wants to car pool? My husband, who loves the earth will be so proud of me. Come on who's with me?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Almost time

Anyone who knows me for longer than 5 minutes knows how much I love camping. We beach camp on the weekends a few times a month. Every summer we do one long trip. We are heading back to Twin Lakes in July. My whole family is going. We are meeting some cousins up there too. We spent 3 days there last year. This year a whole week of kayaking, fishing, tubing, bike riding, swimming, boating, and CAMPING I can't wait.....  Any fellow campers out there????Img_1924

Monday, April 21, 2008

Derrick update

His last name is 235 and he has not been around much. He is really tired because he got a job at the zoo. He is in charge of making sure the sharks don't eat the owls.

way to busy to blog

We have been on the go go go. So much to blog so little time. So far my week looks a little slower so I'll try to catch up. For today I've been asked by several to start bloging the crazy things my kids say.
so for this week here is what I feel are the top ones.
Will: After a humming bird flew down close to his head He said, "Boy I sure am lucky that one didn't hum all over me." I did not ask what it meant o be "Hummed" on.
After finishing Jedi training at D-land." Mom, I'm not sure how a Jedi pees."
Daley: While driving in the car. "When your playing in the rain...diarrhea. " She loves singing that song and continues to make up new lyrics. While wearing a lower cut shirt, She points to me and says, "Is that your butt crack?"
Macey: While listening to the radio. "Gee mom Grandma would not want me to have a good bedonkadonk because then I'd have to slap her. That's just sad...." And "Hey that bot Tristian from school is on my soccer team. Me "who is that?" You know the one who always say 123 I gotta pee!"

Why is so much of my life consumed with talk of bodily functions????? I should have been a doctor or nurse. Then I would've gotten paid to deal with it!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Meet Derrick

I know you can see him but in this house he is very real. He is Daley's "boyfriend". Today she informed me that his making her life "horidable"  As most of you know Daley is already a little bit diva/ drama  queen. But she is three and already it 's all the guys fault. In advance please forgive my daughter should your son decided that the cute blond is worth the work when they are teen agers. Img_2059

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I want to customize my blog and I have no idea how!!!!!Help please, I just want a picture for the banner......

Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm the queen

QueenlgeBill has called me this from time to time. The queen of good intentions that is. I always try to be everything to everyone. Boost my ego I suppose. Anyway, the worst that I never follow through on is play dates. I promise them all the time and then I let all my other tasks eat away every week and no play time. It does not help that two of my three are at two different schools on opposite sides of town. This eats away about TWO hours of my day driving around dropping off and picking up. I need to bite the bullet and put Will at Twain as much as I would love for him to be at Harvest one more year. I can't be super mom anymore as painful as that was to admit. So if I said lets get together next week and we never did. Here is my official apology. I'm sorry I flaked on you. To back that up I am going to write in play dates on my calenders just like dentist, doctor, or field trip. Then they will be scheduled and no more opps it's Friday and no one came over!!!! :(

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A sample of our day...

This happens everyday several times a day. Sometimes it even has a dramatic ending on one knee (A video for you rss readers)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


ShhhI wish my brain would be quiet. I can't go to sleep because it will not shut off. I can't focus because it will not take a break. Anyone else disturbed by your own voice in your head???

Monday, February 11, 2008

Meanwhile back at the farm...

I did it! Crazy I know. I remember driving through the desert praying that if I was making a mistake God would roll large boulders in front of the car. He didn't. And we got married at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel In Vegas. A few years later it was burned down by a homeless man. The kids keep asking for pictures of our wedding. I tell them that I have no idea where they are but if the see them to let me know. Why because we have not a single Polaroid of the day. We even had friend that were in Vegas that weekend and didn't tell them. We came home and told no one until October. I had a falling out with my room mates and had to move. Our families were not exactly thrilled. They found no humor in it. Bill's mom cried to the lady in Hallmark while buying us a card. My dad said he knew. My boss at the time was very upset. I worked at a private school and they were worried about how it would "look". So to summarize we knew each other for years, we dated 2 months before we got engaged, and got married a month and half later. We had no bachelor/ bachelorette parties, no showers, no pictures, we do have a license signed by Reverend Cotton.  I'm certain he would have started preaching fire and brimstone if we would had anyone else there. The August of 99 wedding did not happen because we got pregnant with Macey in February. All the money we saved for a wedding now went to baby stuff. I do have a dress that I have never even tried on. We ordered it before I was pregnant. So from these very stupid beginnings we have made it 9 1/2 years. Next post will be begin the highs and lows over the years. Believe me their are some real lows and great highs. Hold on to your hats....

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sorry to leave you hanging...

So I have not forgotten, but you have to wait longer. Will has been home with an eye infection today and yesterday. The thing is keeping a kid home when they feel fine it a little crazy. Just thrown me off my game a little. So when I catch up with the other stuff I'll be back!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The saga continues...

Ok so some of you have asked me to get to the "good stuff". I just feel like you need to hear where we were to get how far we've come in 9 1/2 years. Anyway off the plane is where we left off. We talked about life and long distance relationships. We decided to give it a try. He kissed me once and said he was tired and went to bed. He drove out almost every weekend for the next two months. Till he decided to quit his job and move out here. That was the end of June. He had to pay rent on his apartment in AZ for like 4 more months. Again, not very bright. He proposed on the day he moved here. We decided to get married August 14 1999. As we were planning our wedding we planned lots of funny stuff. Bill convinced me how funny it would be to get married secretly in Vegas on August 14 of 98 and not tell anyone till the wedding in 09. (opps 99) Think I did it? Some of you already know.....

Heee's Baaack!

Img_1979My main squeeze is blogging again!!! Check him out, give some link love.Just click here to be amazed.....Bill 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fighting back

Bouncer_bigWe are fighting it off. Somehow we have made it this year with out anyone getting really sick. Not one day of school missed! Macey has a little sore throat. Daley is crabby. Will, well truth be told Will could have 104 and you wouldn't know it because nothing slows him down. So today was pj's, juice, and lots of rest. I sure hope it works!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Part Two

Ok so when we last talked Bill was that mean boy who threw me in wash racks and put me in head locks to mess up my hair. The letter came back. I asked a friend of ours Scotty if he had heard from him and he hadn't. So knowing his family was in Prescott, AZ, I picked up the phone and dialed 411. Bill's the 4th William in his family so the number thay gave me was actually his grandma. I asked her if she had a son in the navy blah blah... (She later said that the minute I told her who I was and how I was looking for Bill she knew that we would end up getting married. Grandmas seem to know those things.)She said she had a grandson who just got out and gave me his parents number where I had to leave a message. He had just moved into his own apartment so his mom gave him my number and he called that night. We talked and caught up on him getting out of the navy and all that stuff.. I was on spring break so I almost drove out there.  Funny thing is that he had a 19 year old girlfriend at the time that I said was crazy. He got pretty mad at me as he thought she was "the one".  Scotty was graduating the next week with his masters so Bill flew out for that. Conveniently he broke up with her before he came out. When I picked him up from the airport he was a whole lot cuter than I remembered. ...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ok so you asked for it

Here is a new mini series I'm starting. "How Bill and got here." It all started when I was 10 he was 11. Yes we met at 4-H camp. We had a little camp fling where he dumped me the night of the dance. He spent the next 14 years trying to convince me to go back out with him. O k well maybe not all 14. He really didn't admit the error of his ways until high school. I ran into him and some old friends at a bowling alley. His friend beat him to it asked me out before he got a chance. During this time he went with my then boyfriend to pick out a ring for me. I later learned how he kept telling him it was a dumb idea. It was a dumb idea but it was high school! He dated my best friend my senior year and we all went to the prom together. In college he called me one night to say he loved me and had for some time. AHHHHH. I thought of him like a brother... Side note Bill never told any girlfriend that he loved them except for me. So that phone call was huge. He went off to the Navy and we wrote back and forth for a few years. He always told me how the guys I dated were all wrong for me. On this rare occasion he was right.  Then one day my letter to him got returned..... Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Just wondering...

What compels a five year old boy to eat a banana, and throw the peeling under his bed. Or and apple and put the core in his nightstand with a Transformer hand shoved in it. Or remove the knob from his nightstand and put it behind the stand. Or write his name on the mini blinds. Not even Will but William which he never writes uses or even claims is his name. And lastly Why oh why would you bite that's right I said bite the mini blind over and over leaving teeth imprints everywhere? So what did you discover today? (I wish he did more of this a night.)Img_1936

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Looking for inspiration

This morning I came home to clean the house Blaaa! Anyway, I have not done that yet. I feel like the dishes and laundry will still be there when I am done. If there not, Yahoo!!!I decided to post on my blog. But what to post? About friends? That is always touchy. Someone gets hurt, offended, feels left out, etc.... About my kids? The good news is we had had a great morning. I will not be giving any of them away. About me? No way. About how Matt's sermons have been changing the way I look at our lives? Too deep. Maybe about how God has taken our good marriage and turned it into an incredible one? Boring for most of you I'm sure. So here I sit and ponder.... why do I blog? Anyway, why do you blog? Why do read? If you are lurking, why? And if you got here through a search on Google, why did you click? If you never leave comments, why?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Over 14 average a day!!!

I have no idea how but The Tibbetts 5 now averages more than 14 visits per day. Just imagine if I posted more often!!! Well thanks for coming and check to see what were up to. I'll try to be better and post more often!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Ok so it's been awhile. Here is a long update on what the Tibbetts Five have been up to.
Bill took an 11 day vacation to hang out with us during the holidays. We started out by doing our annual trip to see Santa on the Polar Express. This was our best year yet.Img_1918_2
We started with ice skating Daley and Will were not big fans. Macey and Dad made it around a few times. There will be NO pictures of me on skates.      Rode the train and picked up the big guy in the red suit to tell him our requests. We stopped off in Prescott to see the cousins on Bills side.Img_1943
Came home to spend Christmas eve making cookies. Christmas day we spent home and my family came over. Followed by days of family and friends for dinner, New Years eve parties, play dates, finishing Will's room, posting tons, of baby stuff on craigs list, Hannah Montana, starting to get rid of all my Creative Memories stuff on ebay (need anything? no shipping if you know me;), Guitar Hero, cleaning, more play dates, and now... Bill has returned to work:( 11 days and not one of them did we not see someone or go somewhere. Our lives are full. If you are reading this thanks for being apart of our wacky lives. How was your holiday????
