It is amazing what a good nights sleep will do. I feel refreshed and ready to go. I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me today. (Just don't throw too hard.)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It is amazing what a good nights sleep will do. I feel refreshed and ready to go. I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me today. (Just don't throw too hard.)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wipe out!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Forever changing
I guess this is what they call growth and seasons. I feel like chchchanges. I was reflecting on my early Christian years, ones I'm not proud of. To my years as a mom, to now. I feel like I am standing at a crossroads. For 8 1/2 years I have taken on everything it is to be a mom. Now I stand in between who I was/am as an individual and as a mom. I have allowed my life to become my kids, after all they are only mine for 18 years right? Well, recently I have spent time away from them doing things I used to do and love before them. This has been good and weird. As being a mom has grown me into who I am. I am rediscovering who I was. Somethings are fun and great, others are struggles I've tried to put behind me. Mostly being caddy and talking a bit too much. I really feel like I've grown a lot in this area. However, lately I've walked the line. Saying things that don't need to be said. Blah blah blah Maybe it's just me but when all I did was stay at home with the kids and talk to no one, not an issue. Now I just feel I need to dig deep in the book of James and remember to listen and know that sometimes it is best to stay quiet no matter how funny I think I am.... I want fruit in my life while balancing the person God created me to be. This is my continual quest, who did God design me to be and how does it fit in the body of Christ without getting kicked out. Someday I may understand how and why he wired me this way. I have no idea if this makes sense to anyone else. Thanks for being apart of the journey. That is if you read this far.....
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Nothing to report
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Flying and fear
Ok today I'm flying to Texas with some great girls from church to learn how use F1 more effectively in the way of events. I have to fly. I don't have a fear of flying per say. I have a fear of dying. Not that I don't want to be with the Lord I just am not ready to leave Bill and my babies yet. Anyway, pray that the plane stays up when it is supposed to and comes down when it is told how it is told too. Peace out.... for now!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Apparently, Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words, which he did: Here are the rules: 1. Write your own six word memoir 2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like 3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere 4 .Tag five more blogs with link 5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play! "Free Rock- Needs cleaned and smoothed." Deep I know. I tag....Lori Lisa S. Sabrina Tess and Lisa B. Have Fun........
“For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”