Monday, September 14, 2009

In the middle....

I turned 35 on Sept. 6. The middle. Not in my early thirties, not in my late. Smack dab in the middle. I find myself here in a great number of ways. You see almost to 40. Wow. That seems like an age that brings wisdom. You know the line "She is in her 40's so she probably knows. She has lived it." Well that is only 5 small years away. At 40 I will have a daughter who is going to be wanting a driving permit, she will be 15. At 40 I will have a son who will be 12, one year away from the "teen" years. I will also have another daughter who will be 9. Wow. But here at 35 I sit in the middle of so many more middles. I don't eat unhealthy, but I don't eat as healthy as a should. The middle. I'm not overweight but I'm not as thin as I should be. The middle. I don't ignore God but I'm not doing everything I should be to build his kingdom. The middle. So begins a new series of blog posts that will highlight my progress. You see I am comitting the next 5 years to not be the ones of the last 5. Fear is my core sin. It is why I'm in the middle. No risk, nice and safe. What if I work out and eat right and don't look amazing? What if all the extra skin just hangs and I look worse? What if I put my senf out there like God asks and it blows up in my face? Well, oh well. I'm going to do it. I will not let fear stand in the way of what I'm going to share. I have a great deal of highs and and an awful lot of lows in the last 35 years. I know that God allowed those experiences to grow me. I also know that He wants me to share so that they might be a hope for others. If one person finds hope in my story then I'll do it. Here is to transparency.....

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