Monday, August 10, 2009


Ok it's been awhile. Summer has been good. Life is going ok. I've stayed very busy doing the two things I love, being a mom and planning events. It has been good to be "Busy". We have decided to put Daley at the Grove 2 days a week until Decmber when she will switch to Harvest FULL TIME. Wow, Three kids in school all day everyday. It's a little scary. I plan on painting and decorating at home (it really needs it) Also, I'm hoping to scrapbook and sell some junk on ebay and craigslist. I will also be alone. That is what scares me. Dealing with the loss of my mom at times feels like looking into a gysier. I'm not certain when it is going to go off but when it does it's gonna burn. I don't want to go there. I don't talk about it. Don't ask don't tell makes it not true right? Not sure to blog much more of my emotions these days are a little to real for even me to admit. We will see how it goes.............

1 comment:

  1. I soo know what you are afraid of.It still sidewipes me out of the blue. Lets plan a few thing after SMG...
