so it is not what Bill was hoping. But this is my new favorite juice Red Machine. It is the best guilt free pick me up. I am the least all natural person I know. But you would never know this thing has no added sugar. Very tasty...sorry Juice It Up and to Bill for the momentary excitement you got from the title. Sorry the picture is sideways I don't know how to flip it.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
My new favorite thing is Naked?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Till New Years??
Today I am official finished with Christmas. I don't like clutter. So it is time to pack it up. My mom leaves it up until New Years. So what about you??? Do you dismantle today or do you wait until the 2nd? Or are you the one who leaves your lights on all year round??
Saturday, December 23, 2006
All caught up for now...
Here they are update pics . This is what we have been up to. And in between all of this the stomach flu and I still help out with events!!!
Update 2
So view the album to see what we have been up to. And in between all of this was lots of stomach flu!!! Even Will's party had to be postponed.
So here is the deal. One or more members of my family has been sick since the week before Thanksgiving or we have been in another state!! I will update you of the goings on in between soon. However, I just wanted to say thanks for missing us. We have been missing you guys too. And that we are totally fine. We have not switched churches and no one owns any healing crystals that I know of. Your chickens are all safe too. Just kidding. We love all of you and will see you this Sunday. If you forgot what we look like check out the pics!!!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Bill and I a planning our vacations for next year. We are not sure what we want to do so I though we would ask you. Remember, Daley is only going to be 2 so snorkeling in Hawaii is out. :( So where should the Tibbetts' go next year???
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Macey is 7!!
This was the cake I had imagined for Macey's birthday this year. She said mom, could I just have one of those flat, round cakes? I said what do you mean? She said just plain with chocolate frosting and could you just write my name on it? Oh so this was what Macey wanted for her cake.
Here it is my first plain cake. Who child is she anyway????
At least the pancakes were cool!
What crappy Christmas gift are you?
I just found this funny quiz .
I was socks. Cozy and warm... but easily lost.
It said I would make a good puppet. Sad I know.
So take the quiz and tell us...
What crappy Christmas gift are you?
Thursday, November 9, 2006
I'm still here
So I realize I have not updated you all in a while. I wish it was because I have just been sitting around doing nothing. I'm sure that those of you who read Bill's blog or just know us know what Nov. bring in the Tibbetts house... BIRTHDAYS! Three of the 5 people in our family have birthdays this month. Wow! No Bill and I do not need a hobby or seperate rooms in Feb. Anyways, so planning and partying, that's what we do best! But I also want to say that we met the best couples at the getaway! Thanks for being open and sharing. You guys rock!!!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tonight as I sit down to read others blogs, I'm drained. I feel empty as though I have poured out all that I have. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with my family and friends. Anyone who somewhat knows me knows that I am an extrovert. Strangely and conveniently I married an introvert. I have never really understood the desire to get away by myself to be energized. However, tonight that is what I am craving. No more appointments, no more parties, no more meetings... Nah, that is who I am. The minute they all ended I would make up a reason to have a party. Lets see anyone available for a Groundhogs Day party? Just kidding. I really feel like I have been so consumed by "groups" of people and I'd love some one on one time. Another feeling that is new to me. I have always found safety in numbers. You don't have to be deep or real in a group. As of the last few years I have learned that it is a nice thing for a few people to know you well. Also, I have learned that when I have not taken time out of this maddening schedule to have some serious one on one time with the Lord I remained drained. So hear I am drained and spent and now that I have shared with all of you that I know what to do to make it I am... looking into all of your lives via the blog.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
When I grow up...
When I grow up I want to be just like these two. They are one of my favorite couples. They are a couple years older than Bill and I but much more full of fun than anyone I know. I feel blessed to say they were in our first small group yet I continue to learn from them
. So when I grow up I want to be just like Jim and Martina. If you have not met them yet you are truly missing out! And now he is blogger!!! Give him some link love. Cap'n Jim . Martina next????
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Where have I been???
Well my little Tink ,also known as Daley, kept me busy this week, more so than usual. We have been to the doctor twice this week. Why you ask? For a dislocated arm. Both times!!! So I have now been fully trained on how to put a dislocated elbow back into place. She has an
appointment with an orthopedic in Jan. to see if they need to cast it or do more to let the whatever it is that holds her elbow in place heal. Well at least she can go swimming still!!! Right Tam?
Will strikes again
Ok so most of you know Will is my comedian but the other day he was my thinker. He was sitting on time out for something I can't even remember. When all of a sudden he says, "Mama, didn't Jesus die to take the punishment for all of the bad things we do?" I said he sure did, thinking I was going to have a deep spiritual moment with my three year old, not seeing the trap that was laid before me. He says, Well then if
Jesus took them away I don't think I need to sit on time out Jesus
already did it for me!! Go ahead my pastoral and much more spiritual friends explain that one away. Remember he is three!!!!!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
GASP I'm up for air....
Friday, October 6, 2006
An Update
Many of you know we have had issues with Will's ears and hearing. Well I am happy to report that after his toncil, adnoid and tube surgery in June he is doing great. He talks better and complains that things are too loud now. He has not had on ear or throat infection. This week at his check up we found out that the tubes are coming out!! Yes, that means that his own ear canals are getting big enough on there own and he won't need them anymore. Not that they where a big deal. He just had to wear plugs when ever he got wet. Thanks for your prayers!!!!
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Time for another Good Mom Bad Mom moment
Thanks to Tammy I feel I can share my good mom, bad mom times. So a good mom busts her kids out of school to go to Disneyland. Only to find out is might be the busiest Monday of the year. Seriously 15 min. wait for Winnie the Pooh... please! So we leave and go to the movies at 7:00 on a school night. There was one other preschool aged child in the whole theater.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
I'm back
So my trip was good. I missed my family terribly. It was about two days too long. I will post pictures soon. It is good to be home. A wise woman said to me today that you know you have a great life when you can't wait to get back to it. True True! I have three incredible children, and the most awesome husband a girl could ask for. Truly my prince charming. Any guy who would spend his vacation without his wife being Mr. Mom and have a good attitude about it has to be awesome. Well I have returned to hugs and kisses, tantrum and fights, crying and screaming and that was just my car ride home!!! I love my life. I would have it no other way! Thank you Windy, Scott, Brandi and Tom for loving on my family while I was gone. You guys make me feel loved when you love on the people I love the most. I learned a great deal about what matters most as I spent much time with the Lord out there on the water. I will share more as time goes on..
Saturday, September 23, 2006
The night before
Well here I am totally packed and NOT ready to go. My family is all asleep. As I sit here all awake, many things rush through my mind. Not the usual night before a trip stuff. Some of you know I stuggle with the whole fear issue. Satan loves to use that one. Instead of worring about if I packed enough underwear and remembered my toothbrush, my though race somewhere else. I worry about my babies and my love. What if there is a major disaster and I can't get home. Probably shouldn't have watched Armegedon tonight. I wish I had thought about this more and only did a short trip. 8 days 7 nights, that is a long time to leave my family. I have only been away from them for one night and that was way back when I was pregnant with Will. And it was for work. I will enjoy not working but now what do I do? Don't get me wrong, I look forward to a little r and r. I just love being around my family so much. They are my life. I want to go to Disneyland, or camping or just playing in the playroom. They are probably looking forward to a break from me. So if I were to have a prayer request while on vacation, it would be to leave Satan at home. I pray that I am strong enough to keep him from stealing my joy. Bill would flip if I backed out now... too late for a refund. I will miss all of you. So I'll be back on next Monday, unless I sneak to the computers on the ship....
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
My mountain and yours too!
I feel the need to "add" something to my previous post. I left out my awesome friends and support at Sandals and here my fellow bloggers. Each time someone cares enough to go out of their way to give me hug at church(you know who you are). Or posts a comment on my blog. You lift me up. I am an extrovert. Being a stay at home mom extrovert is a whole different animal. Sandals has given me a small, yet ever growing group of women who make me feel loved, wanted and appreciated. So to my fab 4, and my new group of girls thank you. All this to say, for those of you who feel you are in a spirtual valley now, I look forward to going through some trenches with you and standing on top of your own mountain. Shared victories is what I'm talking about ladies and gentleman. If we don't share our burdens and shortcomings with one another we don't get to rejoice with them when we reach the top!!! So long story short, I feel like you all are up here with me on this mountain because you were down in the valley with me before. I know that I will have more valleys ahead and I hope you all are with me then too. For what it's worth, I hope that I can stand with you on your mountain and I'll be there in your valley too!!!
Stay at home mom
So I have been a stay at home mom for FOUR years now. I love it. However, I found that there were parts of working that I loved. Like having a reason to buy something other than jeans and a t-shirt. Or not planning on wearing those cute little jogging suits to take the kids to school, when I never planned on jogging. Don't get me wrong my hands still smell of bleach at least one day a week. (How come you can't wash off that smell for like a day? It is probably toxic.) However, I started helping out a friend one day a week and it has really changed my life. I could never go back to a full time job, but I love this. I have a reason to get dressed in something other than my sweats. I get to talk to real people and not end every other word in -we. I feel like I accomplish tasks. You don't get the same satifaction from cleaning. Why? Because you will have to do the same job 20 more times later. It is never completed permantly. I love having something more than just grocery shopping. Yet, I still get to spend most on my time with my babies. I feel like it is making me a better mom. I have a wonderful life. I have been through a spirtual valley recently and now I feel like I am headed for a very high mountian. I have made some great new friends. I also have a great set of old ones. Bill and I are really getting to be on the same page in several ways. Our old house is in ecscrow. Just things are going so well. God is good. I feel like each and every valley leads me to be more of who God created me to be. Refiners fire... The flames hurt but the end result makes me feel more solid and grounded and useful. I hope the my lessons will make me someone that God can use to help other women in my spot. Lord, mold me and use me. As I take on new shape I am learning to like the person that GOD has made me to be. I did not like the person that I made myself out to be. So I realize this was all over the place, so I will end this way. Thank you Lord!!!!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
6 more days
Six more days till I leave for seven. All the women in my family are setting sail for a mexican cruise, no Ricardo you can not come. There is a big part of me that is really excited. I mean no tantrums, no sippy cups, no making food, no cleaning, no laundry, NO DIAPERS!!! It has been seven years that I have spent takinh care of babies on a daily (and nightly) basis. However, that is my life. I love my life. So on that note I am a little sad to be away from the things I love most for SEVEN days!!! I hope that I will come back renewed. But I worry about my tribe here. Bill is a great dad. Maybe too good. He might do my job better than me!!! Then again if you have met my children you know that he could end up bound and gaged for six of the days in a cowboy and indian game that went to far. If you think about me or my family next week, maybe give him a call or stop by. Just to make sure that Bill is still alive!!!! Say a little prayer for me too... no more cruises during hurricane season.
Being Real
Ok, so this blog thing started as a cute place to post pictures of my kids. Now I feel convicted to open up more. I have been talking with Bill about letting people see who he really is. By that I mean he is really the funniest, most witty person I know. Until resently not many people knew or ever saw that side of him, the real side of Bill. Well, after spending time reading his blog I realized that I am not very "real" on my own. Not many people know the real me and how I tick. I don't think that I can write as beautifully as Jess Boctor, I mean she is just a beautiful person anyways. I do think I can be more honest about my life friendships and spiritual walk. I hope it won't bore you. There will still be pics of my kids of course. But maybe you might be able to relate to what is going on wth me. And then maybe I can learn more about you. Happy blogging!!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Soccer Pro
Sunday, September 10, 2006
back by popular demand
ok, everyone keeps asking.... when are we doing game night again? Alright it coming.... but when? Check back often for the update.
Saturday, September 9, 2006
Ok let's do this again...
Alright, so we had a little get together to celebrate my birthday. First, I need to love on my husband. He did all the inviting, cooking, clean-up ... everything. He is awesome. What a great guy I have. Second, we need to do it all again. Why you ask? Because we took not one picture!!! I even got a camera as a gift from Bill!!! So I have not one picture to put in here :( And now we need to relive it all so I have a Kodak moment to keep forever. Are you game?????
Macey Karate Master
Daley the make up artist
First Day of School Round Two
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Hot Sandals Babes
Okay, Summer and Janie may be going crazy because us Sandals people keep having babies, but look at them. Tell me they are not the cutest babies you have ever see!!! And this is just a sample!!! We are all in trouble when they turn into teenagers and want to date each other. We all know why Gavin is smiling the biggest! What a chick magnet!! By the way Daley was not amused!!!
My birthday!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Another Will moment
Many of you know my son Will. He is one of the funniest people I know. One day Will was getting out of a bath when Macey informed him the 'correct' word for his 'parts'. He did not appreciate it and yelled, "I don't what it to be called a penis!!! I don't like that name. " I said, "Well, what should it be named?" To which he said, "You can name them?" I slowly replied, "Well, yes I guess so." After, a few minutes of thought he said, "I would like mine to be called mac and cheese." So, to this day he calls it his mac and cheese.
First day of school
As most of you know Macey started public school today. I had mixed emotions about this. However, we moved to a new school zone and the schools up here are ranked highest in the district. We actually are in a brand new one, Mark Twain. Macey was more than ready to go. She met a new friend, Shelby. They live around the corner from us. I think this made the transition a little easier. She was very excited and I look forward to hearing how the first day went.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
FOUND: Best Friends ever!!!
These are the greatest girls in the whole world. They are my best friends. I would truly be lost without them. I look forward to getting old and discussing where to get the best deals on our husbands Metamucil and complaining about our arthritis together. Thank you guys for being honest when I need it and understanding when I'm not ready to hear it. Thank you to Michelle for having a baby so I won't. (That's Wyatt in the pic.) Happy Birthday Danielle, can't wait till Friday. Julie, thank you for reminding me that people can be happy for you. Windy, thanks for being like a sister to me. I love you guys.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Will's magic word
Macey had a toy that Will wanted. She said "Say the magic word." Will answered "Give me the hammer now. I want it I want it." I said just say the magic word. He said, "I want it!" I said just say the magic word. He then asked what it was. I told him so he said "Please Macey." Well, later she wanted it back. He said, "Say the magic word, Macey." To which she replied PLEASE. He said, "No that is not my magic word." I said, "Well, what is YOUR magic word?" He said, "I already told you. It is I WANT IT!!" Nice.... So, what would you like your magic word to be????
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The Tibbetts Crew
Almost all of the Tibbetts Family and cousins got together last weekend. Wow, losts of kids. It was great for the kids to see all their extended family. It is sad that some of us live so close together, yet we never seem to be able to have time to see each other.
All the cousins!!!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Trial Time
This is new for me. Everyone keeps talking about their blogs and how much fun they are having. So here is my trial period. I thought this would be a great way for family to see pictures of the kids and keep everyone posted on what is going on with the five of us.