Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One week ago

As I sit at my computer, trying to regain a new schedule to my life. I am reminded that here is where I was siting one week ago when my sister called to tell me. Still not certain what life looks like without her. I am very certain that I don't want to know. My days are filled with highs and lows. Yesterday I cried at someone singing happy birthday. My mom would call at the crack of dawn and sing happy birthday. If I didn't answer she would leave it on the recorder. I'm sad because I erased all my old messages last week. I wish I could here her voice right now. Yes, there is comfort in knowing how happy she, my dad, and sister are right now. But there is a big selfish me that wishes she were with us.


  1. I am praying for you, friend. I can't even imagine what you are going through. I am here if you need anything.

  2. I am praying for you, but I am also very proud of you. Use your blog, as a journal to get it all out, the highs, the lows, the empty thoughts that don't have a category. I am here. I am listening (well, reading) and waiting to listen, when you feel like talking. Don't forget about the tequila either!
