Thursday, July 24, 2008

A sad day... please pray

A friend from my early Christian/ college years of my life died today. For most he is know as Chris, "Greg Laurie's son". However, I knew him as Topher. He was killed in a car accident today. We lost track of each other until a few weeks ago we reconnected on Facebook. He was a funny, talented, and great guy. He has a young wife, daughter who is turning two, and another little girl on the way. Things like this are hard to understand. Please pray for their family. I can't imagine raising the kids without Bill. Let alone prepare to deliver a new baby who will never meet their daddy. Also, Greg is due to speak at the upcoming Harvest Crusades. I know that all things work together for Gods glory. However, things like this seem so ........... I don't even have a word for it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I like your....

Daley is going through a compliment phase. Everyday it's "mom I like your hair." Dad I like your shorts." To which you must respond, "Thanks I like your hair, short, whatever." The other night she said "Dad I like your nuts." He has these...Photo 19
Still laughing!!!!!!