Monday, November 5, 2007

Eight years!!!

Ok so I keep getting asked to blog. However, it has been the last thing from my mind. Not that my children don't give me plenty to blog about. Macey will be 8 tomorrow. How did this happen? I'm certain that Bill and I slipped through some mandatory screening process. We are not qualified to have an 8 year old! She has once again asked for a plain cupcakes. The wrappers could not even say happy birthday. I did get away with polka dots.I got permission to add some sprinkles to the top. For her family birthday party she wants hamburgers, edemane, sourdough bread and for dessert... Big Stick Popsicles. She is so her dad!!!!!
Anyways, I'm having post event let down. Marriage getaway is done. Truly "fabulous" (that's for Colin). I told you about Macey's birthday. Will's is on Thanksgiving. Bill's is the 29th. We have Mission Inn run next Sunday. Then on to crazy December. Ah... maybe life will slow down in January.....NOT!


  1. Happy Happy 8th birthday Macey!! So sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate with you. Hope you had a great night!! Love, Amy and Dylan

  2. Glad to see you post again! Call me
