Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I had nothing to do with it...

I have great kids. Most of you will stop reading now because this is not a funny one. I just want to brag about how cool my kids are becoming and that I had little to do with it. Ok well if hours of praying counts I had a little something in it. Macey decided not to have a big birthday party this year (a first since her birth). She wanted to spend the day a Disneyland just her, her dad and me. FUN STUFF. We figured we should take advantage since soon she be asking us to drop her off at Ball Rd. so no one will know she is with us. Will was planning a big party at the gymnastics place. Let me tell you, they do a cool party, foam pit, trampoline, the works. We did it for his third birthday. Yesterday he decided he would rather hang out with mom and dad at Disneyland than have a party. CRAZY KID!!! Only while we were having this talk they ask if they can take each other on their special Disneyland day!!! I love my kids.


  1. No way did I stop reading! Sounds like you have some pretty great kids!

  2. Hey, just wanted to let you know that you kicked ass (I has to use the "a" word to really express how I felt!) running the marriage get away. I think it was a great success (other than all the blue cards that came in because I played "me so horny" LOL)

  3. Hey, just wanted to let you know that you kicked ass (I has to use the "a" word to really express how I felt!) running the marriage get away. I think it was a great success (other than all the blue cards that came in because I played "me so horny" LOL)
