Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Terrible Two??

Img_0784Ok so Daley is two now. Most of you know that the first year of Daley's life she was a breeze. She was the easiest baby ever. After her first birthday she got a little more spicy. Now that she is two... hold on to your hats!!! She had her worst day ever today, and it is only 9:30 am!!!! She ran around the donut shop. Screamed that she could not open and close the juice door. Fussed when I asked her set down. Then, we took Will to school. All was better until it was time to go. Basically, it was me carrying her under my arm, shoes flying off, screaming all the way home, radio blaring to drown out the sound. And now she sits in her crib screaming some more while I vent. So there you have it. She is super cute and super feisty. Hope you never see that side of her.


  1. Oh my! I'll keep my eye on her at FF. :)

  2. Man she didn't waste anytime, she's only been two a month!! I like your new layout!
